©2005 Larry Huntsperger Peninsula Bible Fellowship


The Shield Of Faith


9/4/05 The Shield Of Faith


EPH 6:16 ...in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one.


For a number of weeks now

      we have been studying the armor of God

            that our Lord has made available

                  to every one of His children.


The passage of Scripture

      that contains the information we’re looking at

            is found in Ephesians 6:10-17.


Our study this morning

      has brought us to verse 16 of that passage,

and brought us, too,

      to what may be potentially the most important morning we will spend together

            in this whole series.


And before we move into this study,

      let me offer just a few words of explanation

            for those of you

                  who may be new to the whole idea of relating to the Bible

                        as a resource that contains absolute truth

                              and that has absolute authority over our lives.


My role as a Bible teacher is, for me, a fascinating thing.


It is not my responsibility to figure out what truth is

      and then find some way of teaching it to you.


In myself, I don’t know what “truth” is

      any more than you do.


My responsibility is simply to share with you

      what our God tells us is true.


And to the degree I am able to do that,

      to that degree our times together

            will help equip all of us for this life we are called to live.


And our primary resource

      for understanding truth

            is the Bible.


It is the purest,

      most accessible,

            absolutely reliable source we will ever have

                  for understanding the mind and heart of God Himself.

As a Bible teacher

      I have grown accustomed

            to several distinctly different responses to the teaching I do.


Just recently I had a person talk with me following our teaching time

      and basically accuse me of reading their mind,

            even suggesting I must have had some secret access to information

                  about things going on in their life.


Some of the information they had received that morning

      was causing them to rethink some major issues in their life.


That’s great!


That’s that remarkably healthy response

      every Christian will have at times to God’s truth

            when we find ourselves thinking,

“I don’t like that!

      I know it’s true.

            I know it means I’m going to have to rework some major things in my life.

                  But I really don’t like that because it makes me uncomfortable.”


Welcome to growth in the family of God.


Then there are times

      when someone will say to me,

“Larry, I don’t think you handled that passage correctly.

      When I read it

            I see something very different.”


That, too, is great.


If I’m handling my role as a Bible teacher correctly

      I am not your authority.


I am simply a resource through which

      it makes it easier for you to relate to the authority of God

            as He has revealed it through Scripture.


If there are times

      when you read a passage

            and come away from it convinced

                  that is says something very different

                        from what I said it says,

I urge you to trust the passage as you understand it,

      not me.


And then there is another very different response

      that I sometimes see to my teaching.

Sometimes I’ll have a person say to me,

      “I don’t believe it!”

or “I think that’s wrong!”


It’s not that they think I have mishandled the passage,

      it’s that they think what the passage says

            is just simply not true.


When I see that response,

      I never try to argue,

            or debate,

                  or convince

because I know that their battle is not with me,

      it’s with their God.


Prior to our submission to Christ,

      all of us work very hard at creating for ourselves

            an approach to life that keeps us in the center of our own world,

                  allowing us to be our own god,

                        our own final authority.


We come up with all sorts of solutions

      to how we can go about meeting our own needs,

            how we can handle the pain in our lives,

                  how we can rationalize our weaknesses,

                        and ignore our failures.


It is a process that requires a tremendous amount of mental gymnastics

      because we are all trying to do the impossible -

            to put together a world view

                  that excludes our submission to and trust in the Creator of this world.


And for obvious reasons

      we all get it very wrong

            in some very major areas of our lives.


It’s not surprising, then,

      that, when we start listening to truth

            as it is revealed to us by God in His Word,

there will be points where what we hear

      will conflict in a powerful way

            with what we have believed in the past.


And when that happens

      it is only the patient working of the Spirit of God within us

            that can bring us to the point where we say, “My God, I was wrong, You were right.”


And when I see that type of battle going on in another person

      I don’t try to convince them of the truth,

            because I know that only God’s Spirit

                  can accomplish that work in our lives.

But I mention all of this

      as we move into our study of what Paul calls “the shield of faith”

            because it has a direct bearing

                  on what we’re going to see

                        with this remarkable piece of our protective armor.


Paul’s instructions are given to us in a single phrase.

EPH 6:16 ...in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one.


Now, before we look more closely

      at what this shield of faith is,

I want to make a couple of comments

      about the purpose of the shield

            as it was used by the Roman soldier.


This is obvious, of course,

      but the purpose of the shield

            is to stop the enemy’s attack

                  before it ever gets to us personally.


There is a classic James Garner film called “Support Your Local Sheriff”.


It is James Garner at his best.


He is a drifter in the wild west

      who needs a job

            and applies for the Sheriff position

                  in a gold-rich town that’s out of control.


The city council offers him the job

      and when they hand him the Sheriff’s badge

            he notices that there is a deep indentation in the center of the badge

                  where a bullet hit the badge and was stopped.


James Garner says, “I bet the last Sheriff was grateful for that!”,

      to which the head of the council responds,

“Well, he sure would have been

      if it wouldn’t have been for all those other bullets flying around as well.”


In first century warfare

      the shield stopped all those other bullets,

            or more correctly, all those other arrows.


It stopped the attack

      before it could ever inflict pain

            or injury.


And Paul says that our shield,

      the thing that stops the attacks on us,

            is our faith.


And right there

      I know I run the risk of losing you

            because there is certainly no term in the Church world

                  that is more abused,

                        more misunderstood,

                              and as a result more meaningless than faith.


Here we are, being given by our Lord

      a shield with which we can stop the attacks from reaching us,

and the word itself

      has little if any practical meaning to many of us

            because it’s been twisted and distorted to the point of becoming meaningless.


“Just have faith!”

      “Just live by faith!”

            “If you only have faith, everything will turn our great!”


By the way,

      it shouldn’t surprise us

            to discover the degree of confusion swirling around this word.


Given the fact that true faith is the most important single element

      of our interaction with our Creator,

given the fact that it is “(EPH 2:8) ... by grace you have been saved through faith;...,

      and that, taking up the shield of faith, ... you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one,

is it any wonder

      that our enemy has invested so much effort

            into creating such a great fog

                  surrounding the true nature of faith?


Now, to help us make some sense of this whole faith thing,

      it is essential that we keep Paul’s instructions about the shield of faith

            in the context of what we’ve seen so far

                  concerning this warfare in which we are involved.


Keep in mind Satan’s central strategy

      in his efforts to defeat us as Christians.


He seeks to inflict into each of us,

      both individually

            and into the human race as a whole,

                  wounds that cause us to question or openly reject

                        the love of our God for us.


We spent several weeks earlier in this study

      talking about the way in which

            Satan seeks to inflict those wounds into our lives during our childhood

                  in such a way as to make it extremely difficult

                        for us to trust God’s love as we move into our adult years.


Well, the basic nature of Satan’s attacks against us

      do not change even as we move into our adult years.


He still seeks to attack us in such a way

      as to arm us with “proofs”

            that God simply could not love us as He claims to.


“If God really loves me, then why doesn’t He...?”

      “If God really loves me, then why didn’t He...?”


Why did He allow those planes to hit the world trade center?

      Why did He allow that tsunami to do such devastation?

            Why did He allow that hurricane to cause such tremendous loss?


Those are the flaming missiles of the evil one.

      Those are the attacks.

            Those are the wounds that have the ability

                  to cause such tremendous turmoil in our lives.


I don’t know if this will help you in your own thinking or not,

      but it has been of tremendous value to me personally.


You see,

      contrary to popular belief,

            Satan’s goal in all of His attacks against us

                  is always the same.


It isn’t to try to tempt us into sin.


It isn’t to try to pull us into some intense lust,

      or some greed,

            or some act of rebellion or rage.


His goal is to create within us

      deep doubts about God’s love for us

            and about His compassion,

                  and His desire to show us kindness,

                        and His commitment to care for us more perfectly than the best human father has ever cared for his child.


You see,

      once he has succeeded in creating within us

            doubts about God’s love for us,

acts of immorality and disobedience

      will just naturally follow.


Do you know why Christians sin?


It is because Satan has succeeded in convincing them

      that there is no way their needs can be met

            within the moral framework given to them by their God.


In other words,

      God really doesn’t love them enough

            to care about their needs,

                  or to understand them,

                        or to provide for them an approach to life

                              in which those needs can be met.


Want me to simplify it?


If I listen to my God,

      if I trust what He says,

            I will get ripped off!

I will lose.

      I will miss out on the best life has to offer.

            I cannot trust God’s love for me at this point.


Every act of disobedience,

      every act of rebellion against God

            is preceded by our rejection at some point in our lives

                  of the belief that God is really there

                        or that He really does love us deeply, personally.


Those flaming missiles of the evil one

      are attacks against our trust in the love of our God for us.


So what is this shield of faith

      and how do we use it?


I don’t want to oversimplify this faith thing,

      but the truth is

            I don’t think I can.


Faith, by its very nature,

      must be something that is accessible

            to every human being who has ever lived.


In fact,

      Paul told the Corinthians

            that the people who would have the most trouble

                  in understanding and accepting true faith

                        are those among us with the higher IQ’s and greater gifts.


1CO 1:26-29 For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised, God has chosen, the things that are not, that He might nullify the things that are, that no man should boast before God.


Basically he is saying

      that all of those principles for success

            that work so well on the human plane,

all of those things that have the ability

      to make a person highly successful within human society

simply do not work in the family of God.


We know before we get out of 1st grade

      what brings about success.


The smart people,

      the pretty people,

            the wealthy people,

                  and the ones with the charismatic personalities -

those are the ones who’ll come out on top.


But that’s not the way it works in the family of God.


Our initial entrance into the family of God

      and every forward step we make toward greater health

            and greater effectiveness from that time on

                  rests on just one thing.


HEB 10:38 But My righteous one shall live by faith...


And what in the world does that mean?



      true Biblical faith

            is your choosing to believe

                  that God really does love you,

                        and that everything He has said to you is true

                              and that His every word and every action toward you has been motivated by His love for you.

Let me simplify it.


Faith is choosing to believe in any given situation

      that God really is good

            and that His heart desire is to be good to you.


And let me try one more time.


Faith is choosing to believe

      that what you need most

            for the most fulfilling life you could ever know

                  is what God longs most to give you.


And let me try one more time,

      and this time simply borrow the words of the author of Hebrews.


HEB 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.


Faith is choosing to believe He’s there,

      and choosing to believe He will be absolutely good to you

            whenever and where ever you reach out to Him.


Everyone of us entered this room this morning

      with our own mental list

            of those things that are causing us to question God’s love.


There are some things that happened this past week

      that have caused us pain,

            or loneliness,

                  or financial stress,

                        or confusion,

                              or fear.


With each one of those things

      our initial response to what happened

            or to what we think might happen

is to question whether God is really there

      or whether He really cares about us -

whether He really loves us and is acting in love toward us.


Those are the flaming missiles

      that have been shot at us this past week.


We take up the shield of faith

      when we counter each of those attacks

            by choosing to reaffirm to ourselves

                  the true nature of the heart of our God toward us.

PSA 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.


Are you in a dating relationship right now?


Have you been wondering

      why your God has said the things He has said

            about the way He wants you to handle that relationship sexually?


Have you wondered if maybe He’s just trying to cheat you

      out some stuff that will make your life so much richer if you could have it?


My friend, choose to trust Him.


Choose to trust

      that He knows what really works

            and what doesn’t in male/female relationships.


He knows what will build trust,

      what will build self-respect,

            what will keep your relationship free from the inner shame that comes

                  when you know you’ve used another person for your own pleasure,

      or the self-loathing that comes

            when you’ve allowed another person to use you

                  for fear you’ll loose the relationship if you don’t.


Trust His love.


Have you had some tragedy enter you life either recently or in the distant past?

      Or has your life not worked out the way you thought it should?


Has it caused you to question your God’s love for you?


My friends,

      this is the only possible world available to us.


It is a world that is filled to overflowing

      with the accumulated evil

            of countless generations

                  who have shaken their fists in the face of their God

                        and arrogantly proclaimed, “I did it MY way!”


And in the process

      our selfishness,

            and anger,

                  and stubbornness,

                        and greed,

                              and lust have inflicted tremendous pain

                                    both on ourselves and on one another.


And still our God loves us,

      and still He reaches out to each of us saying,

MAT 11:28-29 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.”


I don’t know what evil has touched your life,

      nor do I know how you’ve responded to it.


But one thing I do know -

      your God loves you with an everlasting love,

and whatever evil you bring Him,

      whatever wound,

            whatever scar,

                  whatever hurt or emptiness or loneliness or pain,

He will take

      and then reshape into the most remarkable window

            through which you will be able to see His love

                  as you’ve never seen it before.


Most of what I now understand

      about the depth of the love of my God

            I have come to understand

                  as the result of some form of evil

                        that entered my life.


And right there is the heart of this warfare in which we live.


Satan will find his voices in your life

      who will tell you that what you have endured

            proves your God doesn’t care.


But when we see God’s communication of Himself to us through Christ,

      it’s as if He were saying to us,

“My child - when you begin your thoughts about Me,

      begin at the cross.


See there My response to you

      when you were still in rebellion against Me.


See Me offer my life in your place for your sins

      so that you and I could be reunited forever.


And now,

      with each new assault that comes against the truth of My love for you,

            take up your shield of faith.


Choose to reaffirm the truth -

      that there is nothing and no one

            that can ever enter your life

                  that can separate you from the reality of My love for you.

And you WILL find My love adequate for you

      no matter what I allow you to go through.”



Paul said it far better than I ever could.

ROM 8:31-39 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies; who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Just as it is written, "For Thy sake we are being put to death all day long; We were considered as sheep to be slaughtered." But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


It is that truth most of all

      that forms our greatest defense

            against those attacks that Satan will use against us.


And our choosing to believe that truth

      is our shield of faith.