©2011 Larry Huntsperger
08-07-11 The War We Never See
We come this morning
to the 5th principle given to us by Paul
in the final 5 chapters of his letter to the Roman Christians.
If you’ve been with us in this study
you know that Paul uses these final chapters of Romans
to equip his readers
with the 6 principles
that provide us with the foundation we need
for productive and effective life in the family of God.
These are the principles that, when applied,
equip us with the ability to fulfill the high calling given to us by our Lord.
Paul described that calling to us in a single verse in the letter he wrote to the Ephesians.
In Ephesians 3:10 he tells us
that God’s high calling for the church
is... “ that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.”
In other words,
God brought the Church into being
to provide Himself
with the ultimate means by which
He can now reveal Himself to all of creation.
The manifold wisdom of God
is now made known to all of creation
through the Church...
through the people of God.
Does that sound strange to you?
Does it maybe even sound ridiculous?
When you hear what I just said,
does your mind think of Peninsula Bible Fellowship,
or some other local church,
or even all other churches put together,
and then do you think to yourself,
“THAT is the sum total of the manifold wisdom of God on this earth?
THAT is what God offers
as His ultimate statement of Himself?”
If so, let me see if I can place what’s happening here in a different perspective.
We live our entire life
with almost no clear idea
of what’s really going on in this world.
We see almost none of the raging battle
taking place around us,
none of the victories,
none of the defeats.
Most of us would tend to believe
that the most significant conflict in America today
is the war on terrorism,
or maybe...just maybe the turmoil in the Middle East,
or quite possibly the war for economic stability in the world.
We don’t even see
that there is a war that is far more extensive,
far more significant,
and far more intense raging right now world-wide.
It’s raging on streets of New York,
and Hong Kong,
and Seattle,
and Soldotna,
and every other inhabited location in the world.
It is a war that has implications
for every person alive,
not just for the next decade,
or the next 50 years,
but for all of eternity.
And the decisions we make in that warfare
are of far more significance
than any legislation congress will ever pass,
or any executive order our President will ever sign.
It will help us better understand
what Paul is saying to us in that Ephesians 3:10 passage
when we look at God’s primary audience for the display of His manifold wisdom.
It isn’t us,
with our dark and foggy vision of reality.
It is “...the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.”
It is all those who populate the unseen world around us -
both Satan and all his demons,
and all the angelic forces faithful to God.
You see,
they have no illusions,
no misconceptions about what’s really taking place on this earth,
or about what it means.
We sometimes think that,
because we cannot, with our physical senses,
communicate with those who inhabit this unseen world
they are therefore less real.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
They are as real as God Himself.
And when God wanted to communicate
the incredible depth of His own wisdom
to all those who inhabit the unseen world,
He did so by bringing into being the Church, the family of God.
And we are not talking here
about these public meetings
that we so often refer to as “church”.
We’re talking about the redeemed people of God,
all those, no matter what group or human organization they may associate themselves with,
who have accepted God’s offer of forgiveness
through faith in Christ’s death
as payment for their sins.
And let me share with you how I picture this.
This is how the Church,
that group of redeemed people
displays the manifold wisdom of God.
I mentioned to you a few minutes ago
that there is a war raging right now on this earth.
But it is not a war we are fighting,
but rather a war that is being fought for possession of us.
On one side is the Creator God
and all of His forces,
His created beings in the spirit world
who have remained loyal to Him.
On the other side is Satan
and all those who have joined forces with him.
We call them demons,
but they are really angels
who have aligned themselves with Satan.
And between the two is the human race,
all of us who enter this world
with hearts in rebellion against God,
and in league with Satan.
It’s not that we are all immersed
in deep, dark deeds of evil constantly.
It’s that we all enter this world
with hearts that reject the lordship of God in our lives.
And Satan looks over the human race,
and he gloats,
and he says to God,
“Look! Look at your great experiment in free will!
Look at these creatures you have brought into being.
You have created for them
the most incredible physical world imaginable.
You have filled their sky with stars,
and flooded their days with sunlight and warmth.
You have filled their seas with fish,
and their fields and forests with animals,
you continually flood them
with an endless harvest of plants for food, and for beauty.
You have placed them in a physical world
that screams Your creative genius
and Your love for them
in every drop of rain,
and every ray of sunlight,
and every sunrise and sunset.
And what do they do?
They shake their little fists in your face,
and, in their minds, form You
into some sort of vicious monster
who cannot be trusted,
who demands what they cannot deliver,
and who must be avoided at all costs.
And then, after all you’ve done for them,
after all you’ve given them,
when they still stubbornly turned from You in rebellion,
when You clothed Yourself in human flesh,
so that they could see the love and compassion in Your eyes,
and feel Your healing touch,
and hear You speak to them right out loud
about the endless depth of Your love for them,
when You did all of that,
they all gathered around You,
and striped You naked,
and beat You until Your flesh hung in strips,
and then nailed You to a cross.
I win, God.
And You loose.”
And in response God says,
“Oh, is that right? Then obviously you have not considered My Church, Lucifer.
Look at any of those who have come to Me.
Look at each of them.
Look at this one right here.
He wasn’t much by the standards of this world.
Just one more kid without purpose,
without understanding,
stumbling through life.
But then I showed him
just a glimpse of my love,
and invited him into my family.
Now look at him.
Look at the way he hungers and thirsts for righteousness.
Look at his heart of love for me.
Look at the way his failures grieve him,
and the way the knowledge of My love for him brings tears to His eyes.
Look at what he would have been
had I not stepped into his life,
and look at what my love
is forming him into now.
Oh! And look at this child of mine here,
and this one,
and this one over here.
Look at their hearts,
look at their lives,
look at the way in which I manifest through them
the knowledge of Me everywhere they go.
Look, Lucifer, at the depth of their knowledge of My love for them,
a depth that could never have existed
had I not shown them My love
when they were immersed in their sin.
You think I loose?
You think My great experiment in free will has failed?
Then look at My Church, my people,
and tell me what you see there.
Tell Me what you see in the hearts
of each of these who have come to Me
from every tribe, and tongue, and nation.
Look at what they know about the true nature of My love for them,
and the way in which that knowledge
is transforming their lives.
And know this too, Lucifer -
because they discovered My love
when they had nothing whatsoever to offer Me in return,
because they learned of My acceptance of them
when there was nothing within them that made them acceptable,
they will now share a depth of love with Me
throughout all of eternity,
a depth of love that could never have come into being
any other way.”
And the manifold wisdom of God is now made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.
Have you responded to God’s offer of love through Christ?
Do you think your life matters very little?
Do you think those battles you now fight for righteousness mean nothing?
Do you think no one notices, or cares?
Do you know that you are God’s great proclamation of Himself to the unseen world around us?
Do you know
that your love for Him,
your heart for His truth,
and your hunger for His righteousness
has given you a place of great honor in His eternal hall of fame?
Immediately after graduating from high school
our daughter, Joni, attended Trinity Western University,
a Christian liberal arts school in Canada.
When, 4 years later, she graduated from Trinity
Sandee and I were able to attend the graduation ceremony.
It turned out to be a far bigger event in my life than I had anticipated.
There are some differences
between the U.S. and Canadian educational systems.
Here in the U.S.
when a student graduates with a high grade point average
they are said to graduate “with honors”
or perhaps “with highest honors”.
But in Canada they do not graduate with honors,
they graduate “with distinction”.
The afternoon of Joni’s graduation
Sandee and I were sitting in a packed auditorium
with hundreds of other proud parents,
watching more than 400 students graduate.
And when it finally came time for Joni to receive her diploma
I watched as my daughter stepped onto the stage
and then listened as the man reading the names
spoke these six words into the microphone for all to hear,
“Joni Sue Huntsperger...with GREAT DISTINCTION”.
Then I saw my daughter walk across the platform
and then pause as a robed university official
draped a double rope of gold around her shoulders.
Joni Sue Huntsperger...with great distinction.
It was all the more powerful for all of us
because we didn’t know it was coming.
Nothing had been said to her
or to us before that ceremony.
For the previous four years
Joni had just gone about the business
of doing the best she could with the work assigned to her.
And every semester throughout those four years
just a week or two before final exams
we received agonized phone calls from our little girl
sharing with us how hopeless it all was,
and how she was doing so poorly in this class or that class,
and how she wasn’t even sure she would pass them all.
And then we would talk about how unimportant the letter grade was,
and how what really mattered
was the growth going on inside her,
the things taking place that no teacher ever saw,
and that never showed up on the tests.
When I heard those words spoken that day,
“Joni Sue Huntsperger...with great distinction”,
I said something in response
that no one else heard at the time.
I said, “You have no idea how true that is!”
Do you think those battles you’re fighting right now
matter very little?
Do you think, perhaps, that your life matters very little?
Do you think no one notices,
no one cares,
and nothing of significance will ever come
from what you do or do not do?
Even now, here, in this life
we live our lives before all the rulers and authorities in heavenly places.
And the time will come
when Christ Himself will call your name
and He will bring to light every choice of faith you’ve ever made,
and then, as He speaks your name He will say “with great distinction!”.
You think perhaps my imagination is running away with me.
You can’t imagine yourself ever involved in such a scene.
What is going on in this world
is so utterly different than what we think.
The things our world tells us are so very important
do not really matter at all,
and the things, and the people that our world tells us
have little or no significance whatsoever
will one day be significant and glorious beyond anything we could ever imagine.
In his first letter to the Corinthians
Paul became irritated with their blindness to this truth
and told them the way things really are.
In 1 Corinthians 4:5 he said, “... do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God.
Each man’s PRAISE...
with great distinction.
And even at those times when we fail,
when we forget the truth,
and lapse back into the lies and the bondage they bring,
even then our God provides us with an opportunity to honor Him,
because through that failure
we can rediscover and reaffirm yet again
that it is “this GRACE in which we stand”,
and in that rediscovery we will find our hearts overflowing
with gratitude to our God
for His lovingkindness toward us that never ceases,
and His compassion that never fails,
and even then we proclaim the great wisdom of God,
because we proclaim His ability to create
not a perfect salvation for those who follow perfectly,
but a perfect salvation
for a people who long for more than they ever attain,
and hunger for more than they ever fulfill,
who, when they stumble and fall on their face yet again,
roll over and reach up to their Heavenly Father,
and allow His eternal arms
to once again lift them out of the muck and mess,
and place their feet back on the solid rock,
giving them a new song on their lips,
a song of praise to their God.
I tell you honestly
that the battles that are now raging
in the lives of those who populate this planet
as God seeks to reclaim each of us
through our discovery of His love through Christ,
those battles are of infinitely more significance
than the war in Afghanistan,
or the turmoil in Israel,
or the endless turmoil on Wall Street or Capitol Hill.
The triumph of one nation over another
is a very small thing
in God’s over-all plan for mankind.
A person’s discovery
of the true nature of God’s love,
and their response to that love
is a very great thing indeed
because it goes to the heart
of God’s plan and purpose for this world from the very beginning.
Now, I’ve gone through all of this
because I want to use it as background
for the next few verses we will study in the book of Romans.
Our study of the 6 principles
that govern life within the Church
has brought us to the 5th principle
in which Paul outlines for us our role in this battle raging around us,
and how we can effectively fulfill that role.
I mentioned a few minutes ago
that the war being raged around us
is a battle between God and Satan
for the hearts of men and woman.
But that does not mean we have no part in the battles.
On the contrary,
we have a crucial part
because God has given to each of us
the right and the ability
to decide who wins in our own life.
And Paul’s comments to us in Romans 13:11-14
are designed to provide us with the information we need
in order to fulfill our part in this warfare successfully.
But our time is gone for the morning,
so we’ll need to end this here this morning
and pick up our study with Romans 13:11 next week.