©2004 Larry Huntsperger Peninsula Bible Fellowship


A Time For Truth


12-26-04 A Time For Truth


This is our final time together in 2004.


Before we meet together again

      this year will have ended

            and a new one will have begun.


Having made it through all of the chaos that comes with Christmas,

      we now find ourselves

            in that brief time of the year

                  when we give ourselves permission

                        to become a little more introspective than we normally are.


We look back over the year we’ve just completed,

      and look forward to what this new year may bring.


For some of you 2004 brought few surprises,

      while for others

            there were things that have entered your lives during the past 12 months that you did not anticipate,

                  things you would not have chosen but could not avoid,

                        things that will alter your life dramatically.


Unexpected or unwanted health issues,

      career changes or the anticipation of career changes,

            the birth of a child or possibly coping with the death of someone you love -

any of these can shake the foundations of our lives profoundly.


At any given point in our lives

      we have three possible directions we can look -

we can look to the past,

      remembering what has happened

            and try to understand what it means to us now,

we can look the present,

      to what’s taking place right now,

            and try to understand how best to deal with the immediate issues in our lives,

and we can look to the future,

      and try to anticipate what will come

            and then try to understand what it will mean to us and to those we love.


The problem is

      that most of the time

            we’re really not very good at doing any of those things well.


We have an amazing ability to selectively filter through the past, the present, and the future,

      and see things in a way that causes us tremendous turmoil, or fear, or regret or anxiety.


So, for our time together this morning

      I though it might we helpful

            if we see what our Lord has to say to us about these three.


When we look to the past, the present, or the future,

      what is it He wants us to see?


And how can we interpret what we see correctly?


And let’s start with the one that, for many of us, is the most difficult -

      let’s start with the past.


And before we look at the specifics,

      we need to start with a clear understanding

            of what’s really going on in this whole area of our relationship to the past.


Everyone of us here this morning

      bring with us an entire lifetime of personal history.


For some of you

      that history stretches back only 11, or 12, or 13 years.


For others

      it reaches back 50, or 60 years, or more.


But however many years we have,

      with each of us there is a whole spectrum of events

            that make up our history.


There are points at which we were deeply wounded by the sins of others,

      times when we felt intense pain.


There were also times

      when someone entered our lives who gave us hope,

            or someone who was used to bring deep healing to our souls.


We all have in our past

      both people who hated us

            and people who loved us,

we have times when we stumbled,

      times when we failed,

            times when we sinned against our God,

and we also have times

      when we succeeded in ways that surprised even us,

            and times when we were used to meet needs in the lives of others.


We have times when no one around us seemed to understand, or to care, or even to notice our existence,

      and times when another person saw something good in us that we didn’t even know was there,

            and they told us what they saw

                  and it helped tremendously.


Simply put,

      we each have a whole world of potential memories

            on which our minds could focus when we look to the past.


But our memories are in no way random or without purpose.


The truth is

      I believe our memories

            form the center of the most intense

                  and the most critical daily warfare we ever enter into as Christians.


And I also believe

      that the most powerful weapon Satan has against us

            comes in the form of his highly selective use of our past experiences,

                  and then his interpretation of the meaning of those experiences

                        in his efforts to defeat us in our Christian walk.


Each one of us are involved in a daily warfare for the discovery of the truth -

      the truth about our God

            and the truth about ourselves -

who He is and who we are.


And most of the artillery being used on both sides in that warfare

      comes from our interpretation of things that have happened in the past.


Simply put,

      what Satan seeks to do

            is to take carefully selected and edited events from our past,

bring them to mind,

      and then use them as his “proofs” of lies he wants us to believe about ourselves or about our God.


And my point is simply this -

      our memories and our interpretation of them

             are not just meaningless random clips moving across our mental screen,

they are vital ingredients in our constant battle for the discovery of the truth in our lives.


And if we ever fail to loose sight of the true nature of this warfare we are involved in each day,

      we can easily become overcome by the attacks against us

            and yet never even realize what’s happening or why.


If you have some reservations about what I’m saying,

      if you think maybe I’m just creating imaginary battles where none exist,

            let me ask you a question.


What percent of your memories from the past

      have a negative emotional impact on you when you recall them?



      Could you run that by me again, Larry.  I don’t understand your question.


All I want to do here

      is to help us become more aware of the battles really going on in our lives.


Now look at this -

       as you’re going through your day

            and some memory from the past pops into your mind -

something that happened yesterday,

      or a few days ago,

            or a few years ago,

                  or something from your childhood,

how often do those memories trigger negative emotional responses-


            or fear,

                  or loneliness,

                        or bitterness,

                              or shame,

                                    or guilt,

                                          or a sense of failure or inadequacy,

and how often do they flood you

      with a strong sense of security,

            or hope for the future,

                  or a deep sense of inner peace,

                        or a clear emotional awareness of God’s grace, and lovingkindness, and personal love for you?


So often

      the memories that come into our minds from the past,

rather than triggering warm, encouraging, hopeful feelings within us,

      bring with them strong negative emotions,

            emotions that we then have to deal with,

emotions that, unless we understand what’s happening and why,

      we will frequently simply accept and believe as truth.


Now, I’m not saying the memories themselves are not true,

      but I am saying that the emotions they come wrapped in

            are then used by Satan to communicate to us powerful lies

                  about our life in Christ now

                        and about what we can expect from Him in the future.



They are, in fact, really attack lies

      that have been wrapped in memories

            that have been carefully selected and edited by the enemy

                  in such a way as to create within us an emotional response

                        that will make us vulnerable to believing the lie he wants us to believe.


Accurately and correctly remembering the past

      is not an easy thing for us.


We so often find it so much easier to recall the evil that has touched us

      than to recall the good.


Do you take many pictures?


I’m talking about snapshots of the good times,

      those simple, ordinary good times of life?


I am a strong believer

      in anything that helps us disarm the memory lies of Satan,

and I have, for many years now, been an avid picture-taker

      of the people I love

            and the times I spend with them

because those pictures help us to remember the past more correctly.


They can provide us with a visual history

      of God’s kindness poured out on us,

            and of the goodness of this life He’s given us.


Do you remember that point in Israel’s history

      when, after forty years of exile in the wilderness

            following their departure from slavery in Egypt,

God brought the nation to the bank of the Jordan River.


On the other side of that river was the land of Israel,

      the land given by God to Abraham and his descendants.


Do you remember that crossing

      and what God told Joshua to do?


It’s recorded for us in the 3rd and 4th chapters of the book of Joshua.


God told Joshua to take the Ark of the Covenant,

      the visual symbol of the presence of God with the nation,

and have the Levites carry the Ark before the people.


And when the soles of the feet of the Levites carrying the Ark touched the waters of the Jordan,

      the river stopped flowing and began to pile up in a massive heap,

            leaving dry ground down stream on which the Nation could then cross.


The Levites stood in the middle of the Jordan

      as all the people filed by,

and then, when everyone had crossed over,

      Joshua had twelve men,

            one from each of the twelve tribes of Israel,

go back into the river bed,

      hoist one stone each onto their shoulders,

            carry it out onto the dry land in Israel,

                  and then form those 12 stones into a pile.


And in verses 4:6-7 he explained why.

JOS 4:6-7  "Let this be a sign among you, so that when your children ask later, saying, 'What do these stones mean to you?' then you shall say to them, 'Because the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.' So these stones shall become a memorial to the sons of Israel forever."


Do you know what that is?


That’s a photograph of the faithfulness of God,

      a permanent reminder of the truth.


And I share all of this with you today

      because I want us to be properly equipped

            for the kind of battles we will face when we look to the past,

and I want us armed with the weapons we need for fighting them.


So let me give it to you first in a single statement,

      and then I’ll try to make it practical.


When it comes to the past,

      Satan will attempt to convince us

            that our past determines our future,

                  and also that our past proves the inadequacy, or disinterest, or disapproval of our God,

but the truth is

      that in Christ it is not our past that determines our future,

            it is our God and His grace poured out on us

                  that determines our true future in Christ.


So here’s where I would recommend you start.


First, never loose sight of the battle we are in.


To be in Christ

      is to live in active warfare every day of our lives.


Paul said it with such clarity in his second letter to the Corinthians.

2CO 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ...


In the flesh,

      in our external, physical, everyday lives

            we appear to be just going through the routines of life like everyone else.


But in the unseen world of the spirit

      every child of God

            lives each day at war.


And the mental picture Paul creates for us is vivid.


He says we are warring against fortresses raised up against us,

      and we destroy those fortresses

            by taking every thought captive

                  by bringing it into obedient submission to the truth given to us in Christ.


Then, with that warfare mentality in place,

      whenever a memory from the past comes to mind,

            and you feel the emotional response it brings with it,

                  ask yourself what message that feeling is communicating to you.


If, for example, you recall a time when you were all alone,

      and you feel the loneliness that memory brings with it,

recognize the lie that feeling brings.


“You were all alone then,

      and you are all alone now.”


Then take that lie

      and bring it the source of all truth,

            to your Lord Jesus Christ

                  and ask Him for the truth.


JOH 14:18  "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you...

MAT 28:20 ...I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

HEB 13:5...I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you..."


Or, if you remember a time when you were afraid,

      and the memory floods you once again with an emotional fear of the future,

listen for the voice of the enemy imbedded in the feelings,

      a voice that says,

“There are forces in your life that can and will destroy you.

      You are the victim of chance,

            powerless against those things that will destroy you.”


Then take the lie

      and bring it into the light of the truth.


2CO 3:5-6 Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.


JOH 10:27-29  "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.  My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.


And if a memory comes to mind of some past sin,

      and the memory floods you with feelings of shame, and guilt, and failure,

find the lie imbedded in those feelings,

      the lie that says,

“You might as well face it! This is who you really are.

      This is who you were then,

            and this is who you will always be.

You are a failure,

      an unworthy creature,

            despised by your Creator,

                  beyond His grace and His love.”


Then bring the lies,

      and the feelings they bring into the truth.


EPH 2:4-7 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.


COL 2:13-14 When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.


ROM 5:1-2 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand...


And I do pray that you will not misunderstand what I’m saying here.


I’m not suggesting

      that we should hide from the past

            behind a wall of Bible verses.


I am suggesting

      that we can only really know the truth about our past

            when we see it in the light

                  of the living reality of the love of our Lord Jesus Christ for us.


And whenever any memory from the past

      brings with it feelings that tell us

            that we are alone,

                  or that our sins have caused our God to turn His back on us,

                        or that who we once were will determine who will always be,

                              or that there are forces in this world that have the power to rob us of the security we have in Christ,

we know those feelings are lies

      sent by Satan to rob us of the truth that has the power to set us free.


There are other types of lies that come at us from the past as well.


Feelings of bitterness

      and a longing for revenge is a common one.


It begins with our recalling some evil committed against us by someone in our past.


And with the memory

      comes a feeling -

            the feeling of bitterness against them

                  and a longing to get even.


But do you know what happens when we allow bitterness toward another person to take root within us?

      What we actually do is to choose to give them power over us.


We allow them to take control of our thinking,

      to consume our mental and emotional energies,

            to dominate our lives.


Some time ago now

      I received a letter,

            in fact several letters from a person I’ve known for years,

                  but who had never written to me before.


The first letter started out casually enough,

      but then, within a few paragraphs,

            turned into the most brutal series of accusations and personal attacks I’ve ever received.


It poured out a poison and a hatred I’d never encountered before,

      and as I kept reading

            I discovered that it all traced back to comment I’d made many years before,

a comment that I didn’t even realize had offended them at the time.


When I finally recognized my offense against them

      and tried to offer an apology

            it only made them more angry

                  and brought another letter as brutal as the first.


Without realizing it,

      for a number of years

            that person had chosen to give me tremendous power in their life,

a power I certainly didn’t want

      and would never have sought,

but a power they gave to me through their bitterness against me.



      my point here is simply this -

correctly handling memories from the past

      can only happen when we recognize that those memories frequently bring with them emotional lies,

            lies that can only be disarmed and defeated

                  when brought into the light of the truth given to us by our God.


And, since I’ve taken all of my allotted time on the past,

      I now have nothing left for the present and the future,

            but it doesn’t really matter

                  because the basic principle with both of them

                        is the same as with the past.


Both the events taking place in our lives right now,

      and those we anticipate in the future

            have the same ability to wrap themselves in emotional lies,

lies that cause us fear,

      or cause us to doubt the love and the kindness of our God toward us.


And the only way to defeat those lies as well

      is for us to bring them into the light of the truth.


And let me close by offering you just a little taste of what I mean.


Here are just two verses of truth from the 84th Psalm.

PSA 84:11-12 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You!


Now place that next to what you’re currently feeling

      about your present and your future.


Our God is our sun,

      bathing us in the warmth of Himself,

            and giving us the light we need to see all things clearly.


And He is our shield -

      the great protector of our lives

            who stands between us

                  and all those forces that seek to destroy us.


And then look at what He gives -

      grace and glory.


He doesn’t just pour out His kindness on us,

      but He honors us in the process,

            covering our shame forever with His blood,

                  and replacing it with a respect and a dignity we did not earn.


And then the Psalmist states with wonderful clarity

      what he wants most for us to understand.

No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You!


That is the truth about our future,

      and that is what awaits all those

            who place their trust in Him.


And that’s a truly Happy New Year!